When good PR goes bad…

2 10 2008

So I fear that I may have failed my profession and my sense of civic responsibility. I was the one person NOT watching the VP debate tonight.

Bad Bad PR professional… tsk, tsk tsk. I feel like I skipped the class where the professor gives you the “good” lecture. I’m almost certain that everyone is talking about it and I can definitely catch it on YouTube or some other outlet that will inevitably be making it available for download.

So you might wonder why on earth I would miss the political event of the century – the turning point in history. I must be brutally honest – I was doing my civic duty by attending a coaches’ meeting for the Boys and Girls Club where I volunteer as a girls’ volleyball coach.

Bless me Alan Center for I have sinned – my last confession was – shoot couldn’t tell ya. I gave up the debate of the millennium to take a bunch of lil girls and help them grow as women… as my penance I will read the PRSA Code of Ethics 10 times and 5 Silver Anvil case studies.

Just thought that a little confession would be good for the soul…